Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day 3

Fail... I couldn't last on the lemon cleanse. Not only did I run out of Maple Syrup, but I also started feeling a little sick again (I was sick last weekend, spent it on the couch with hot soup). So I have been eating some bread, drinking Sprite for my throat.... This won't help me at all.

I think I need to make some Zero Point Soup from Weight Watchers. I had that one summer, for lunch and/or dinner, with yogurt and granola for breakfast and/or lunch, while also training for a marathon. I lost 15 lbs that summer. That might be a good option. Even if I only lose 15 lbs, before summer, that is a good start. I just have a long ways to go. Need to stay motivated.

My husband says he can tell I am losing weight. Maybe my pants are just getting baggy, because of my "recent" gain of 10 lbs. It has probably been about 6 months since I was last on the scale, so I don't know when I gained that weight. I may need to start getting on weekly to see where I am at.

That's all for now... Tired...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 1

I started this blog years ago.... 4 to be exact. Trying to motivate myself to lose weight. It obviously did not work. I started my journey with this blog at roughly 165 pounds. I am now at 198. 198... Wow. When I stepped on the scale at my blood donation appointment on Saturday I did not realize that I had gotten so large. I don't feel that large by any means... I hold my weight well, or at least when I am wearing clothes I do. I feel my waist band getting tighter and tighter sometimes. It is depressing. I wear a size 14 trouser pants, and it is amazing that I used to fit into a size 10 not so long ago.

Seeing 198 on the scale was horrifying. I can't believe I let it get to this. I can't believe I am typing it all down and sharing it with the world. I am hiding my information for that reason. I am so ashamed to be where I am at, I don't want anyone to know.

I had planned on starting the lemon diet yesterday, and that scale was just the extra motivation to do so. I have done it before, successfully, and unsuccessfully. My first time was successful. I did a full 10 days, absolutely no food, just the lemon cleanse, water and "smooth move" tea. I lost 10 pounds, my face cleared up beautifully, and it felt good. The first time after the cleanse that I had any candy, I felt sick to my stomach. This is a big deal because I tend to have a very large sweet tooth and will eat it like there is no tomorrow. After several candies, I lost the sick feeling and went back to my ways. My face stayed pretty clear, but I gained all the weight back.... I attempted to do the lemon cleanse again, but this time it was not so successful. I ate at work, away from the home... hiding it all. Didn't lose a pound and felt miserable.

I am hoping this time is different. I hope that I can lose weight, last the entire time, and feel better about my body. I want to be able to hike with my husband with no issue, kayak and not worry about the weight being too much for the poor thing... and go scuba diving (or free diving) without my wet suit killing me.

Work is great, but I have unlimited food here, and that gets very tempting. English Muffins, Cinnamon Raisin Bread, cheese sticks and all the tea & sugar I can drink. We have soda pop as well, but I am generally good about staying away (maybe break down once per week to have a mini-Sprite - or is it 7Up???) I tried to record all my foods, and at the time I was only eating about 1300 calories per day, which is not a lot.... and walking over 10,000 steps (with my fitbit). But then the fitbit broke. And I stopped tracking my calorie intake... I am sure with all of my snacking at work I have gone above and beyond normal calorie intake, especially with that weight gain (10 lbs - I am not sure how recently).

I was doing good on walking about 1.2 miles every day, after work. Then I started walking home from work (which is about the same distance) but on days when my hubby picks me up I have a hard time actually going back out to walk. I think I need to get back on that daily to increase my exercise.

One other thing that I think may be challenged with is a hypoactive thyroid. I have a good majority of the symptoms. But I can't seem to get into a doctor. I have called and left messages, not getting any response from doctors in the area. I think if I am able to get in, I might have the answer and get on track. My goal weight it 145. I would love to be at 135... I don't know how likely this is. 50 lbs to lose. I feel sick just thinking about it.